Coming back to centre. I love exploring culture, which is lucky as I’ve spent half of my life living abroad: South Africa, NZ, UK, but mainly the Middle East where I spent 15 years and threw myself into immersion.  These pieces explore feelings of belonging, both personally and collectively. It was a strange trip coming back to Australia and to a city not my own. I’ve sometimes felt like a hologram hovering above the surface of life.  Here you may see symbols and code found across the Middle East, and other ‘foreign’ reference points whilst bringing in the ‘new’ (for me) bright bold light and colours of Australia.”
In these pieces I join the dots between the external and inner worlds, offer a space for contemplation and invite you into stillness. Come back to centre with me ArtLovers.

My process is loosely rooted in the monoprint technique, where I play with topographic surfaces, translucency and opacity. Come play with me!

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